Rapid Response 866.630.5157 | Office 877.708.5501

Commercial Disaster Resources - Florida
Emergency Contact #'s
NRC (National Response Center): (800) 424-8802 24hr
USEPA Emergency Response & Removal Branch: (404) 562-8705 ((404) 562-8700 24hr)
US Coast Guard Tampa MSO Operations Center: (813) 228-2189 24hr
State Warning Point: 1-800-320-0519 24hr
HRS Radiological Office: (407) 297-2095
Explosive Ordinance Disposal (extensive details needed): 1-703-695-4695
Center for Disease Control: (404) 639-2888
Southern Waste Exchange: (800) 441-SWIX
Poison Control Center: (800) 282-3171
CHEMTREC Referral Center: (800) 424-9300 24hr ((800) 262-8200 non-emergency)
EPCRA/CERCLA Hotline: (800) 535-0202
Toxic Substances Control Act Hotline: (202) 554-1404
Association of American Railroads, Bureau of Explosives: (202) 639-2222
DOT Hotline: (202) 366-4488
Mercury Hotline: (800) 833-3505
National Animal Poison Control Center: (800) 548-2423
ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry): (404) 639-0615
RCRA/Superfund Hotline: (800) 424-9346
Pesticide Hotline: (800) 858-7378
National Weather Service (Ruskin Weather Station): (813) 645-2323
Weather Forecast: (813) 645-2506
Disaster Preparedness

Hurricane Preparedness Provider Notifications
The Agency distributes letters to regulated health care providers related to hurricane preparedness and planning for the 2021 season. These notices address modifying plans, if needed, related to COVID-19 risks for residents and others. Links to the 2021 preparedness notices are below:
2021 Preseason Letter, distributed May 7, 2021 [213KB, PDF]
Hurricane Preparedness and Planning Letter, distributed May 19, 2021 [175KB, PDF]
2021 Assisted Living Facility Generator Tips Poster, distributed May 5, 2021 [367KB, PDF]
2021 Nursing Home Generator Tips Poster, distributed May 5, 2021 [725KB, PDF]
2021 Generator Safety Postcard, distributed May 5, 2021 [988KB, PDF]